I imagine that you’re reading this because you’re hungry for some sort of spiritual nourishment. Maybe that nourishment is in the form of finding meaning in the simple actions of your daily life, or maybe it’s something seemingly larger, such as pouring yourself into a vision that is greater than yourself. Maybe it’s something entirely different. Regardless of what you may be consciously seeking, giving freely will always be a powerful spiritual superfood available to you at any time.
One of the biggest illnesses that plagues our society here on earth is the illusion of scarcity. We’ve been trained to believe that we live in a universe of scarce resources, which has only been so widely spread because we continue to misuse our resources in foolish ways. This belief fuels greed and drives us to live our lives motivated to hoard items and resources. This greed then fuels separation, the belief in self as its own entity living a life disconnected from the rest of the world. Even at this point, if you haven’t had physical experiences that have transcended space, time, and separation, science has even begun to come around with incredibly strong evidence that supports the reality of the interconnectedness of everything. Beyond science, I believe there is an even more compelling philosophical argument for giving freely.
Freely giving will teach you how to transcend what I consider to be the three boogiemen: Scarcity, Separation, and Doubt.
Transcending Scarcity
When we’re willing to give the shirt off our back, we walk our talk, fortifying our knowledge of this abundant reality. We’re willing to put all our cards on the table because we know we’re playing an infinite game, we have enough, and we will always be provided for. My physical generosity shows that I believe I have an abundance of resources. It doesn’t matter what number is in my bank account, I have an abundance of food, water, shelter, connection, and love available to me. My energetic availability and generosity of time doubles down on my knowing that time is circular, not linear, therefore I can never have a scarcity of it, except in my own mind. If you have the awareness that you have an abundance of time and resources, you can live a life that is totally free from scarcity and rooted in energetic truth. In this state, the spirit will no longer waste energy in the fear state that I might not have enough, because I know that I do in truth. Wealth is often mistaken for abundance, but it’s impossible to spend life perpetually concerned with becoming physically wealthy and also become the alchemist that lives in a reality of pure freedom and abundance. Abundance is a state of mind and has very little to do with wealth, and we often have a choice which one we are going to pursue. If we decide to pursue wealth, we’re energetically claiming that we currently do not have enough, putting us in a state of lack. The wealthiest people that I’ve had the pleasure of spending significant time with all operate with a scarcity of time and resources, and it seems to create an endless drive to fill an imaginary hole.
Transcending Separation
The nature of giving freely will also break the illusion of separation. When I give to you freely from my heart with no expectation, giving purely because I’m tapped into the beautiful feeling in my heart when I can feel your joy of receiving, it brings me closer to you. The time, effort, and energy that I am giving you is not a loss for me, it is a win for us both because I know that we are one, and what you are receiving is also me receiving. Maybe my bank account is very low at the moment, and I fear it getting lower, but this is the very mindset that brought you there in the first place. The most powerful place to give from is to have nothing but the shirt on your back, and still give that away to your neighbor without a shirt because your faith and connection is strong enough to know he is not separate. His suffering is your suffering, so if you can give it away and move yourself beyond your own selfishness and mental suffering, you can transcend suffering for the both of you. From the perspective of separation and selfishness, this equation looks like 1 minus 1 equals 0. From the perspective of oneness, this equation becomes 1 minus negative 1 equals 2, and we split the results and share the abundance. It doesn’t matter how much we have, we’re always able to create abundance out of thin air and spiral upwards towards unity.
Transcending doubt
To survive in this way of life means you must surrender to a higher power and trust that there are benevolent powers working for you. Once you believe in a benevolent universe, it is only a matter of time before you know a benevolent universe. I no longer believe in a benevolent universe because I have experienced it and I know it, I don’t need to believe. Another way to put it is that we live in a fair universe, energetic laws of this reality teach us that if we learn how to give and create beauty, perceive beauty, and focus on the beauty, we cannot physically create any reality other than a beautiful one. The universe is benevolent and I experience benevolence because I am benevolent. When I allow denser energies to penetrate me and I act less benevolently, I experience less benevolence because the universe is fair like that. If you learn to put it all on the table and give it away, the universe’s benevolence will be proven to you. But you must first put it all on the table to find out.
How to get started?
What I would personally recommend to someone who reads this and feels these words tickling their soul is to sit down tonight before you go to bed and take a few breaths. If you have an altar, sit at your altar. If you do not have an altar, sit somewhere that feels sacred or special to you and close your eyes. Declare that you want to give up your day tomorrow for the good of everyone, and feel it in your heart. Maybe leave to go to work early and leave space to be spontaneously guided to service. Ask higher powers to guide your life in a way where you can help the world, and then go through your life with presence and watch opportunities arise where you can be of service. Don’t worry about following your everyday routine and getting home on time to eat dinner and watch TV. That can wait a few hours. For this one day, you have a different purpose, and it is to make yourself a divine servant to something greater than yourself.
The combination of abundance, unity, and connection to a higher power make living in a generous way one of the most beautiful things we can do to bless our lives and the people around us with good feelings of love. To walk in a way that is unattached to the things we have because our faith is so strong. One of my teachers once told me that if something is really important to you, the best thing you could do is to give it away to someone. Those words and the energy behind them hit me like a ton of bricks.
You trust the invisible path laid out before you, because you know you are provided for. When you jump off this cliff with a pure heart, the only possibility is to be caught. You know this game of life on earth we’re playing is finite, but the soul game is infinite, so you double down on the soul game and you will transcend the discomfort of the physical world. In this way, you begin to walk on water as you transcend and transform previous limitations.